Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Post-Winter Solstice
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Season Glow
Music: Tish Hinojosa
Mood: Caroling
"Angel wings and candle light from Texas for a Christmas night. In my mind a western sky fills my heart with stars inside. A tale of hope from long ago still glistens like new fallen snow. Boughs of green and songs of old make the season glow..."
Here's wishing that your Holiday season
is filled with the glow of holiday lights and a river of stars.
Feliz Navidad.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Heart Still/Beating
Under a full moon
beneath the confines of the Verizon Theatre
Pavane's moon glowed with a wink from La Luna. Silence (No More Longing) fell upon the crowd and with the strumming of strings
and the magic of percussion hundreds of hearts became still yet were beating as one
as they weaved their Tango of music.
One by one we all joined in their Carrousel
and discovered exotic locations like Santa Fe, Goa, Sao Paulo, Barcelona and Bethlehem. After the Bells tolled we were taken to the Underworld
where we were introduced to the Snakecharmer.
Before we knew it we were floating and dancing to
to the beat of Le Cafe (Arabian Dance) and the Tango.
Once again Ottmar, Jon and the rest of the band
cast their Duende del Amor on the audience and this fanmenco was
all too sad to see it end so soon.
Nonetheless, sweet memories remain such an Ottmar photo pass
and a very prized setlist that was at the foot of Ottmar's chair.
Yes, Santa Claus came early and these two items will be tucked away
in my LE box.
A very special thanks to Mario (fellow fanmenco) for making the evening possible & for photo. To Kim & Jhon--2 budding fanmencos who attended their first Ottmar concert. By the way, during the concert I almost forgot I had my photo pass and camera in hand. I only took a few photos but my crappy little camera couldn't do much without a flash and I didn't want to abuse the rules--although we did see a few blinking flashes from the audience.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Winter Rose
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Seven Wonders
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Seven days...
In the LE boxed set of La Semana, Ottmar wrote a small intro about the song, Carrousel..."What a great loaded word...Carrousel of life comes to mind, carrousel of love, carnival, freak show, excitement, out of the ordinary, sweets, escape...etc..." Ottmar's concert here in Houston was all of the above...minus the freak show. I had perfect seats--4th row dead center, which made for a perfect view. Some of the best seats, I've ever had for any concert and well worth the price. I'm not a fan of Verizon Wireless theatre as the venue is not an intimate setting that compliments OL and the band. Nonetheless, the concert was magical and it ended all too soon. The eight o'clock hour could not come soon enough but then finally the band walks on stage and the magic begins.
Hearing OL play the guitar live is simply stunning and while the music on CD is great his music is so much more enjoyable in person. There were many highlights throughout the show but my favorites included, "La Luna", "Querencia", "Snakecharmer", "Santa Fe" & "Ballad 4 Santana". My new favorite is "Cocteau", which in the past had been my least favorite song from La Semana. Of course the Drum Duet was exceptional and Jon's bass was incomparable. I finally bought his Transit CD which I totally love. The icing on the cake was meeting Ottmar outside his bus and having him sign my La Luna postcard from the box set. We exchanged a few words and he was gracious as always.
The only disappointment was not being able to get a copy of the setlist to which I had requested twice. :-( The setlist would have been another wonderful memento from the evening to add to my box. As mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan of Verizon as they do not allow pictures to be taken. For once I had the perfect seats/view but could not capture the evening with a camera. Regrettably, my camera phone was not working either. I did notice some flashes going off during concert to which I was shocked and silently yelled, "no fair", but after the show I rushed to my car and grabbed my camera and perfectly timed Ottmar before he boarded his bus. He was in a hurry to get inside the bus and afterwards I noticed he blogged immediately thereafter.
While browsing the website, I came upon his blog from Integral Naked to which he wrote and I'll close this blog with..."Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away". Sunday evening surely took my breath away.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Paint It Black
Black is strong, black is bold,
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Post Op-Humpty Dumpty
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Daylight Melody
Next to my bed I have this half moon like object that plays nature sounds and mine is always set to water. Each night I press the button and the water sounds lull me to sleep and becomes my nighttime melody.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving
Nonetheless, a safe journey for others who are traveling as well.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Music: Silence: No More Longing, Ottmar Liebert
Mood: Serene
While hiking this past weekend I was in a sea of beautiful trees all dressed up in their fall colors. There were more green and golds than there were reds but no matter. Each seemed to beckon me to capture their beauty in a photo.
Trees, leaves, birds, squirrels, rocks, cliffs, canyons, caves, trails, hills, waterfalls, ponds, and streams were just a small sampling of sights, sounds and scents that invigorated my soul. I was inspired by the serenity of nature and reminded by mother earth that if we stop to breathe her essence and beauty we can all become one...just floating through time.
...PS-ONE month from today I'll be floating....at Ottmar's concert. :-)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Nature Beckons...
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Mood: Happy and Sad
Thanks to Mario for scoring two front row tiks to Ottmar's concert next month...that's the happy news. The sad news is that I will be having surgery on my knee on November 28th (Arthroscopic). Thus, I may be on crutches but one way or another, I'm going to that concert--even if I have to crawl or scoot down to the front row!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Dia de los Muertos
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
It's a Beautiful Day!

U2 Concert @ Toyota Center, Houston

...ok, so the picture is blurry but no matter! It was a beautiful day and night with U2 and company in concert in the city of blinding lights! My ears are still ringing. Next, Ottmar Liebert!
...the Houston Chronicle reported that "The stage, with its beaded curtains of shimmering lights, lit up the arena like a giant Lite-Brite". :-)
Monday, October 24, 2005
A Dedication...
I've learned that no matter what happens,
or how bad it seems today,
life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person
by the way he/she handles these three things:
A rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents,
I've learned that making a "living" is not
the same thing as "making a life.
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life
with a catcher's mitt on both hands;
You need to be able to throw some things back.
I’ve learned that whenever I decide something
with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
I've learned that every day
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
I've learned that people will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.
In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there on television, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every day...like her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Astros Fever
...I came across this photo on Flickr and loved it. Kudos to Jaseone for the picture and carving the pumpkin with the Astros logo. Finally that Astros star is shining ever so brightly. In light of what the Astros have done, I would like to thank Andy Pettitte for making all this happen. He chose to leave NY and play in his hometown and without Andy, we wouldn't have Roger. These two were the glue that made the team stick! Plus, it sure helps that Andy is a hunk! ;-)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
I'm in love....
...borrowed title and blog from Adam. This amazing CD came out on October 11th and can also be found on the Listening Lounge. I too am in love and have been entranced by the music. I have my three faves...
Kora/River of Stars
LeCafe (Snow).
Winter Rose is music inspired by the holidays but THIS is not your usual holiday CD and one that can be listened to year round. Ok, time to chill out and fall in love again and again.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Winter Rose
...borrowed title from the newly released CD by Ottmar Liebert. Tomorrow evening I plan to download the CD to my new Ipod (thanks Mario) and kickback with a glass of wine.
Through my job, I serve on a committee to raise scholarship money for needy students and tonight was our annual gala. For a $20 dollar donation, I brought these home tonite. Hopefully, we raised around $80K.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Quote of the Day...
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Word of the Day...
Monday, September 26, 2005
Music: 0509041022 by Ottmar Liebert
Sometimes in the quiet glow you can get a sense of what matters in life! In life we need rain, wind, sky, fire and a deep breath of fresh air from within the breath of one's soul.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The Eyes of Texas...
Safe and Sound...
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Passing Storm
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Just Because...
Music: Untitled Rumba, Ottmar Liebert
Mood: Emotive
Saturday, September 10, 2005
In Memorium
Music: Tears in the Rain, Ottmar Liebert
Mood: Heartache
Hard to believe that another year has come and gone. This pic is from a snow globe that was given to me by a friend and sits on my window sill. I was playing around with the camera and this picture came up. Very eerrie...like a mirage. Ironically, there's a tag on the bottom of this which reads: "Made in Hong Kong". Well, the globe may well be made in Hong Kong but the towers were in built in NYC. They may be gone now but their light still shines bright.
I have another picture of New York that hangs over my bed. It's one of my favorites of the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset with the twin towers in the foreground. New York has always held a special place in my heart as one of my dear friends is from NY. She was my old roomate and who is now a doctor...Pathologist to be exact. She was one of the many Pathologists who worked tiredlessly to bring closure to so many families. I haven't heard from her in a while and I suspect she may be in New Orleans as I heard that there is a team of Pathologists from across the country bringing closure to familes who lost loves ones in that disaster. She remains one of my biggest heroes.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Wounded Knee
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
*Pain in my heart from the disaster last week in New Orleans. *Pain in my pocket book from the rising cost of gasoline. *Physical pain on my right knee that may require surgery in the near future. *Pain over my waistband growing as I am unable to exercise because of my knee :-( *Hunger pains that I need to endure to overcome the above pain! *Growing pains here in Houston with the influx of evacuees from Louisiana but I know that Houston and its citizens (old & new) will rise to the occasion.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
New Orleans Cemetary
My heart is heavy with the news from New Orleans. Now comes word that Houston will assist some of the evacuees from the Superdome as they will now be housed in the Astrodome. There has been a call for volunteers to help out and I've added my name to the list. Tonight, I'm paying my bills and made out a check to the American Red Cross. A call to all other bloggers to do the same as the Hurricane disaster will affect us all in one way or another.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Half a Luz
Monday, August 15, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Where it all started...
Friday, August 12, 2005
Not much to blog as I have been busy with work and the next two weeks will be even busier. Although, a very important date is coming up for me next week of which I'll blog later...although Boris might be able to guess what it is. ;-)
Thank goodness the weekend is here. Folks from Houston Flickr are gathering for lunch tomorrow and then a stroll around the museum district followed by a downtown trek to catch the baseball game. Thus, since it's the weekend I thought I would borrow Mario's photo-"Reflections on Beer" and I'm sure he won't mind since it was inspired by me/Nieve44. So here's to the weekend and a cold one whether it be Rolling Rock, Dos Equis, Bud Light or Miller Light. I look forward to some reflection as I sip my beer this weekend. Salud/Cheers!
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Trust them to be...
....everywhere. What is it with these things? They are just about any place you can think of. Car seats, car floors, sofas, chairs, boxes, containers, jars, drawers, pockets, luggage, cabinets. Everyones got a stash somewhere...
So, where do you stash yours? Mine, go in my piggybank next to my computer. He's getting pretty heavy these days as for the past three years, I've been saving all my loose change & bills for a rainy day. Which rainy day you might ask? Well for January 13, 2007!!! Lord willing, my parents will celebrate 50 years of marriage and for that occasion I will break the bank open which will hopefully provide a little extra spending $$ for them when my brother and I send them off on a little trip somewhere.
Btw, I borrowed the great pic and words (italics) from Portseye who has a great flickr page @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/pjphotos/. Thanks. ;-)
Friday, August 05, 2005
April, Come She Will
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Christmas in July
Friday, July 29, 2005
Hits & Misses
Mood: Melancholy
As the end of July nears so does the end of my two week vacation and it's back to work on Monday, August 1st. :-( In some aspects the days & nights flew by and I lost track of time & dates. As usual, I stayed up late...like now! I've always been a later nighter but it makes for a difficult time rising early. In retrospect I thought I would review some of the hits and misses of the past two weeks...
Hit: catching up with friends for lunch and/or dinner. Kudos to my dear friend Michelle for providing the best laughter and making my life seem absolutely normal.
Hit: catching the movies/IMAX--"March of the Penguins" and "Forces of Nature" @ IMAX. If you haven't seen March of the Penguins--go and treat yourself to a true gem of a movie as you will laugh and cry and be amazed about life in Antartica.
Hit: Escaping to the new L'Auberge hotel/casino in Lake Charles, Louisiana AND getting to enjoy my first bubble bath in years! Also, sleeping in that amazing bed! OMG, that bed was heavenly.
Hit: Spending time with my niece who keeps me young.
Hit: Lunch @ LemonGrass Fusion Cafe & Ruggles Cafe & Bakery. YUM! Thanks to you know who for the pleasant company.
Hit: my Reikei Massage
Hit: Cruising in my friends new PT Cruiser--that's a fun car to drive.
Hit: Coffee w/Kahlua in the morning
Miss: My dentist appointment this past Thursday and having to go back for unwanted dental work. YUCK & OUCH!!! :-(
Miss: this aweful summer heat
Miss: leaving my $$ @ the casino
Miss: gaining 10 pounds from all the food I ate or what feels like 1o pounds
While there was no great escape to some distant lands I've never seen, it was a much needed two weeks of good old fashioned R & R. Already looking forward to the 3 day Labor Day Weekend Holiday & Thanksgiving Holiday & Christmas Holiday.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Walk on Water
It looks as if you could almost walk on water! I treated myself to another Reikei Massage yesterday and during this session I was walking on water or rather floating on water.
Side note: Happy Birthday to my dear friend from college-Rudy. His mom passed away in April and I know this first birthday with out her will be difficult. This picture is for you too Rudy. May the glow of the sunset on water embrace you with her love.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Viva Las....
...Lake Charles, Louisiana for some gambling. I couldn't get to Vegas but the next state will do. Still, looking forward to no clocks, no windows, piped oxygen, and free drinks to while away the hours while in the casino. If you don't hear back from me soon, I won the big one and taking an extended vacation...to Santa Fe or Canada or Portland or Amsterdam or Bavaria or wherever the winds take me. :-)
thanks to Kodama for his wonderful photo.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Soul Consciousness
Accidents and inspiration lead you to your destination.
I'm borrowing today's title from fellow blogger/Wendy. Each day I go in search of that one moment that makes me aware...touches my soul. Tonight, while heading home from a workout, I looked up in the clouds and they just beckoned me. In that one moment (after taking this picture), I could feel my ears ringing and as I sat in my car aware of this beautiful sunset a sudden silence came upon me. I knew then I had encountered a moment of soul consciousness.
additional inspiration provided by Mary Chapin Carpenter.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Spent yesterday/Monday & today getting my round of annual checkups out of the way and thus far, I've gotten a clean bill of health. So, I went out and celebrated and had a wonderful lunch & dessert @ Ruggles Cafe & Bakery. Evil Yummi was definitely an appropriate title. Thanks to Mario for the excellent choice of food and company.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
My March of the Penguins


My roomate just got back from the Galapagos and hand delivered this postcard. Reminds me of the upcoming movie March of the Penguins ...of which I can't wait to see.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Baby Macaque
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Rat Race
The Rat Race is over!
The Rats won!
thanks to Jim Davies
for picture.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Men in My Life
The men in my life were captured in this photo last month. My father and brother...who both have never met a stranger and my brother's two sons.
Last night we spent a few good hours at my mom's around the kitchen table and it's always so much fun when you get these guys together. At my father's age, I treasure these moments dearly.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Sea of Red
Thursday, June 30, 2005
After the rain
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Lost Heart
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Meditation on a sunset
In the stillness, you can hear the rhythm of your breath...
Thanks Mario for the words and the inspriation for it was just as I rememberd in that moment of consciousness of the world around me.
Friday, June 24, 2005
I feel special now!
Mission Accomplished!
Monday, June 20, 2005
Something to Look Forward To...
* The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.
* The trees are whistling for the dogs.
* The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
* Hot water now comes out of both taps.
* You can make sun tea instantly.
* You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
* The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.
* You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
* You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
* You actually burn your hand opening the car door.
* You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
* Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
* You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
* The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.
* Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
* The cows are giving evaporated milk. Ah, what a place to call home.
God Bless Our State of *TEXAS !!*
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Texas Sunset
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Chocolate Heaven
Sunday, June 05, 2005
It's back to work on Monday after a week's vacation. While the week went by fast it was full of surprises. I can't go into details right now but will say that sometimes we are so busy looking ahead that we forget to look behind and see the beauty that we're passing up along the way.
...The sign that I couldn't read, or a light that I couldn't see, all those signs, if only I knew what they meant. Some things you have to believe,
but others are puzzles, puzzling me*
*I borrowed words from the song "Speed of Sound" by Coldplay as this week signs went flying by me at the speed of sound.