Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Here's to another decade!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Carol

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
The week before Thanksgiving Day
This town puts up it old display
Streetlights hung with candy canes and bows
The earlier it gets each year
The scarcer is my Christmas cheer...
I haven't been to church since God knows when
I'm not someone who usually attends
Truth be told there's just two wishes
on my list every Christmas
Peace on Earth and a snow storm now and then...
but around here winter seems to come
with rain, mud and lots of sun
It's not exactly Currier and Ives...
I don't mind cold if it brings snow
Delivered Christmas day and knee-high
and every makes me wish it were so.
lyrics by Mary Chapin-Carpenter

Friday, December 18, 2009

How to Stay Young


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them'!
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'
4. Enjoy the simple things.
5.. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it.. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
The past few days have been really foggy (foggged) as have I. Been sick with the flu this past weekend and haven't ventured out much. So much for thinking that it was allergies! I wish it were! This flu has kicked my butt! In the past, I've gotten flu shots and flu season came and went and no flu. This year many have said that flu shots are poison injections and thus I didn't get one. Hmmm! Oh well, too late now.

This was the weekend I was supposed to get my Christmas tree and put up my Christmas lights as well as get some Christmas cards out but that may not be happening this year. I think instead the money spent on a Christmas tree and cards will go into the Salvation Army bucket next time I pass one up. Once I get past this flu, I will have all I need...home, health, family, friends, loved ones-far and near and more importantly a job, so I won't mind if Santa goes past my house.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Winter Blue

the morning after
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Well December came in with a big chill bringing in some snow last Friday and this photo was taken the day after--the big meltdown. Last Friday was so beautiful with the snow falling and I wish it would've lasted longer but who knows, maybe Mother Nature will surprise us again.

Today is December 8th and is Buddha's day. I refinanced my house today a year and a half after I moved in and my how time has flown. This will be my 2nd Christmas at the house and I'm hoping to get some decorations up this weekend and dress the house up nice with some holiday cheer/color and give thanks for the blessings that have come my way since moving in. Any free hands are welcomed to stop by and help with decorations too!

As I close on my house again, it looks like parents are coming close to signing on another house in Katy and thus the big move might be happening in January. This move has been two years in the making and I have mixed emotions and feelings that I've been trying to put aside.

So as leaves change color and fall onto the ground so begins the dying and the rebirth. The leaf here on the photo seems to be still but in reality the melting ice is moving the leaf-in another direction and so too must we move onto other directions.

To me the color of winter is blue and it's one of my favorite colors and favorite times of the year. Some people abhor winter and the coldness it brings but I welcome the wonderful winter blue as it makes me feel happy and alive and thankful for the blessings the season brings. Look around you...there are many in this season of winter blue.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Virus has overtaken my computer & is out of commission. :-( Thank goodness 4 laptop & Blackberry. Will have 2 see what 'puter doc can do. So my upscale has now gone downscale.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Touching Silence

Chinese Red
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Well once again here we are on another holiday season where friends, family and loved ones gather and the chatter is non-stop as well it should be on this Thanksgiving day. However, let's remember to find times where we are "touching silence" and replenishing our souls with the "food" it so craves. Happy Thanksgiving and may you find, "Serenity on Ultracloud".

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Another Happy Birthday!!

Another happy birthday!!
Originally uploaded by :Eureka:
Two cool dudes trying to imitate the Fonz! Wait, the Fonz wishes he were this cool! ;-) My father turned 79 on Thursday, November 19th and my nephew turned 23 on the 17th. Both are named Greg as my nephew was named after my dad. I remember the day Greg was born and my father was over the moon to have his first grandchild, just two days before his birthday and not to mention that he was given his name as well. I am so blessed to still have my father and in moments like these when the family is together, it brings such joy to my dad and my niece captured the joy so well in this photo.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Four Things

There are four things that you cannot recover in life:

(1) The Stone..........after it's thrown,

(2) The Word..............after it's said,

(3) The Occasion......after it's missed,


(4) The Time............after it's gone..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is not a circus!

too cute and funny not to share on blogger.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
I touched a butterfly today! Acutally, I almost stepped on him but thank goodness I saw him moving. He even let me touch him too. Thanksgiving for gracing me with his presence.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Libra Princess

Libra Princess
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
title given by my niece at my surprise birthday party (by my niece) last month. Yep, they all got me again and note to Jane---never going out with you for dinner again in the whole month of October. Ok, so maybe 50 doesn't look so bad after all. BTW, new glasses are coming soon and time to retire my old ones. I still miss wearing my contacts.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Heartbreak Warfare

Song of the day: Heartbreak Warfare....

the upcoming single from John Mayer.

Looking forward to the release of his new CD

Battle Studies.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Girl-Frida

Letters of note....
I'm big fan of Frida Kahlo
and a friend sent me this

Thursday, October 15, 2009

We have liftoff!

We have liftoff!
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Still stuck in the moment from last night's concert by U2@ Reliant Stadium. It was simply Magnificient and it all ended too soon. The roof of the stadium was open and added to the magic of the night.

Set list as follows from

Get on Your Boots
Mysterious Ways
Beautiful Day
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Stuck In A Moment
No Line on the Horizon
Your Blue Room
Until The End of the World
Unforgettable Fire
City of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy - Remix
Sunday Bloody Sunday ...the song that introduced me to U2. I was simply mesermized by the band!
Walk On
Where The Streets Have No Name

With or Without You
Moment of Surrender

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
burred photos seem to be the theme of the week but that's what the past 50 years has felt big BLUR with a few occasional moments where time stood still. Thank you for all the well wishes the past few days. I am blessed with family and friends and life in general. Title taken by Paco de Lucia song I am listening to.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

1+49=Say It Ain't So!

Another blurry photo but this one is even more special on this early juice cup from way back when. I'm up late on this nite but no matter as I'm taking the day off from work...I think it's the only one I've ever taken off.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

6 and 8 = 7

6 and 8 = 7
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
as in the 7th astrological sign! A little on the blurry and dark side but still a keeper in my book. Two Libras last August @ House of Blues-Houston/Post Ottmar Liebert and Luna Negra Concert. Happy Birthday Stephen Duros...from one fellow Libra to another. You rock!

Monday, October 05, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
While waiting for Chulo, I captured this from my front yard the other morning. I love the reflection and colors...such CLARITY, which seems to be the word of the day/month.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Samba Rio!

Samba Rio!
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

Congratulations to Rio

for being awarded the

2016 Olympics!

Samba time!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by Kym.
Word of the day: Bookends
Action of the day: Rain
Music of the day in my world:
George Strait, "A Better Rain"
Music of the day in her world:
Simon & Garfunkel, "Bookends"
Beautiful photo by:
Ms. Kym

Monday, September 28, 2009

The New Bomb!

Her name is
What a voice!
I'm hooked!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
the goal is elevation.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


TGIF Flower
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

Word of the day...

Lagrimas de guitarra, de amor, de vida, y de paz

pero lagrimas de lluvia suban el corazon al cielo

y sientes tranquilo.


...the first day of Fall and for once it feels like Fall. Stepped out this morn and took in a long breath of fresh air but I hear the warmer temps will be here by the weekend.

...Listening to the Seduction from Under the Rose and it's just taking me away to another realm. The new music from Rahim AlHaj and Ottmar Liebert is exquisite and if you haven't done so yet, stop by the website and download this free music, which is also for a good cause.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
I was at a reception the other night and these stones on the table reminded me of one of my favorite games called Pente ...the classic game of skill and I still have my old tube from way back in the 80's. Yes, I know I just dated myself here. Haven't played the game in awhile though. Only a few games I like to play and another big fave is Scrabble and I use to play the game on my old cell phone. My new blackberry comes with Brickbreaker but I still miss my old game of Scrabble. Other games are Solitaire and Uno. Love Uno!

Anyway, interesting to read up on Wiki about how the game got started. Will have to check out the online website.

What were some of your favorite games?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Shrek...

Happy Shrek...
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

Well BACK online via faster connection from Comcast and so long AT&T!! Here is a happy Shrek listening to and saying..."Don't Wait, My Love" ....hurry and rush to the free music from

Under the Rose

Treat yourself and be sure to Invest in Peace!


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Painful past week and a that I didn't have access to the internet at home. WARING-AT&T is BAD!!!! I got so screwed by them in the past few months with either the phone line dead and/or the internet dead and each time I called they assured me that the problem was fixed but to no avail! I think in the past three summer months, I had called a total of 6 times for repair. I finally gave up on them fixing the problem and am now online by way of Comcast. Much faster for sure and with cable connection

The photo was taken last week at the office after I broke another piece of glass...this time a frame. Previously, I had broken two glasses at wine glass and a vase. When I bent down to pick up the glass in my office it hit me that maybe this was some kind of sign. So, I asked my massage therapist on Saturday and sure enough her reply was "reflection of self and the changes...a disconnection of the past and a connection to the future by way of CLARITY. Of course, I mentioned my upcoming 50th birthday next month and her reply was...."there you have it...the explanation.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


No internet @ home and access only by blackberry still has its limitations. BTW, Serena Williams deserved to lose US Open!

Sunday, September 06, 2009

23 Mile Ride!

23 Mile Ride!
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
I enjoyed a bike ride through town on Sunday--23 miles to be exact! Here are some members of the Houston Bicycle Club...these are some seasoned bike riders and surprisingly, I kept up with the group but thankfully, they were all on a leisurely bike ride. We even got lost a bit but I truly enjoyed the adventure and looking forward to next month's ride! The woman at the front is my co-worker and was the leader of the group...I made sure to stay close to her as much as possible as I didn't want to get lost along the way. Here we are just leaving Catalina Coffee house on Washington before heading back to our starting point at Stude Park in the Heights. The ride was just over 3 hours and the last 1/2 of the ride, I was feeling a little weary from our trek but so glad that I completed the ride!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Here's my TRIO of loved ones from Erika's birthday dinner at the Grand Lux Cafe taken on August 21st. This year was #20 and so hard to believe! As I write this, it is September 1st AND where did the past three months go much less the past 20 years and three months from now where will have time gone?

Summer began with Erika moving out and returning back home but for good this time as she decided to pursue her studies at the Community College, which makes better sense given finances. Just as I was getting used to her being gone and re-arranging her room into the guest room, came the request from my nephew asking if he could move in. So, he and his sister traded spaces and three months later he's moved in and still settling into his new surroundings but so far all is well. He comes and goes as much as Erika did and maybe even more, which is fine...just as long as he pays the agreed rent for the next year then we'll be in good terms! ;-)

BTW, is Martin next in line to move in? Only time will tell.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Toast

A Toast
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

And now if you think
We've said it all
Let the final curtain
Fall on us at last
And just put it in the past
And say our last farewell...
words by Dan Fogelberg

Monday, August 17, 2009

Libra forecast

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Be patient. Don't get upset if things don't progress as far as you wanted them to. Overview: Someone you work closely with most days needs help with something cosmetic. It might literally have to do with their appearance, or it may be related to the way they arrange the pieces of their life.

The past few days/week and a half has taught me that patience is a virtue and usually I'm pretty patient but as always August is one of those months where..."everything is f...... up!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

In honor of a true American hero/heroine... Eunice Kennedy Shriver. No matter the belief of your politics she was such a true role model and pioneer!

Years ago, I was a volunteer for the Special Olympics games and their motto was, "you can't finish the race until you start it". I remember the faces of the many competitors that day and their wonderful smiles because you were cheering them on. Thank you Eunice for your gift, for the olympic torch has brought you to your true home. May we never forget your eternal flame of light.

Monday, August 10, 2009

HOB Houston

HOB Houston
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Well the weekend is behind us and it sure went fast! Just got done putting together a set on Flickr of photos from the Ottmar Liebert concert here at House of Blues and will blog more later this week.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Guitar Hero

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
So nice to be off this Friday before the anticipated Ottmar Liebert (Guitar Hero) concert on Saturday at House of Blues. Lots of running around to do before heading to the airport this afternoon to pick up Linda from Santa Fe. Too bad Cheryl won't be joining us but maybe next time! As always the heat has been brutal this summer but rain chances have gone up a bit for the weekend. BRING IT ON!!

On my way to the bank & Whole Foods this morn and think I will stop and treat myself to special brew of java at WF.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Blogging...just because! Should be sleepig but playing on the puter and listening to tunes.

God's Own Open Road

God's Own Open Road
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Somewhere "neath a darkened sky
A weary heart and a lonesome eye
Tracks along an empty highway
Lead to somewhere else

All my past and all my wishes
Tears reflect on muddy ditches
My own mind is searching for
An answer from the eyes that look right back

I want to know about the outer reaches
Everything that heartbreak teaches
questions of survival that in every soul exist
What about the endless sky
What about the child that wants to know just why
The world spins round and people die
And does it hurt, well baby so do I

Walking/(biking) on the streets I've known
along a place that I once called home
A stranger now...another time
That doesn't want me back

Poems(songs) in my native tongue
Whisper where I used to run
The river brushing by a shore
That knew it all along

Here I stood and there I dreamed
of future bright as magazines
Without the shades of sorrow in between
Where we've been and what we've seen
Are we taught or are we teaching
Reaching, seeking, needing, preaching,
Pleading, speeding, screeching to a halt

Cattle guards and power lines
Mark the distance of our times
Like wheels that roll and bells that toll
Of hours and aging wine

Love we gave and love we made
Gone astray and then forgave
Naked as a masquerade
for truth to figure out

Voices shout and voices sing
Words slip out and some stay in
in symphonies that live within the pockets of our soul
Colors of the open sea
Paint the edges of a dream
with crystal blues and deeper hues
Of wind and earth and God's own open road.

lyrics by Tish Hinojosa and one of my favorite songs.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Squeakquel!

They're Back!
CANNOT wait for the new movie...
even if I have to go by myself!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Works!

Watched the NBC nightly news earlier tonight
and while most of it was depressing,
this news piece was wonderful to see and hear.
Support the monks and give back to charity at the same time!
A win-win situation.
I plan to buy some coffee in the very near future.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Word of the day: Indigo (not sure if this is the right color...hard to tell on the scale and there are not titles)

Numbers of the day: 7/7

Sitting here listening to the wonderful titled song, Indigo by Stephen Duros from his cd Thira. A very appropiate song given my wonderful Reiki massage this afternoon. Thanks to the massage my chakras are aligned and in perfect harmony. Wikipedia states: "the color electric indigo is used to symbolically represent the sixth chakra (called Ajna), which is said to include the third eye. This chakra is believed to be related to intuition and gnosis (spiritual knowlege)."

Usually after my massage, Frances says, "now I see your aura glowing". Next time, I'll have to ask her what color(s). Also read in Wiki that people with Indigo auras are said to be in occupations such as computer analyst, animal caretaker, and counselor. Now, I know why indigo has always been one of my favorite colors.

Because of the lucky 7's given this day, I meant to go out and buy a lottery ticket but forgot to do so. :-( Numerologists love days like today and just came across this, which given the memorial for Michael Jackson is a bit eerie.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Turtle Island

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
So it's been a month since my vacation in Turtle Island, aka Santa Fe. Still haven't uploaded all my photos but getting there...almost! The trip seems so long ago instead of just a month ago. Here we are in July and I'm on vacation again but no getaway's this time. Just chilling and hanging around the house as I'm still not done paying the a/c man for his services but I am sooo thankful to have a new a/c. Now, I can really go into hibernation mode with this heat wave we've been having.

The photo is one of my favorites of the many photos I took watching the sunset that night up on the hill at the Elks Lodge in Santa Fe. I think I spent a good hour outside after dinner capturing the beauty that was just breathtaking! I'm ready to go back!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Another blurry photo but shows rose that brightened up my day. It's been a long hot week as on Tuesday my air conditioner bit the dust. Yep, on our first day of triple digit temps. Still no a/c and now camping out at parents till a new one gets installed and the killer is that internet is only accesible via the old "dial up"! I miss my house already but with temps inside hovering around 90 it's just not livable right now. When I got home Tuesday, poor Chulo was at the door almost passed out from the heat. I was so scared as to what happened and then the heat hit me like a ton of bricks. BTW, 6 months from today is Christmas! Something to look forward too with cooler temps or so I hope. I cannot remember a summer so hot so early as we usually don't see temps like this till the end of July and into August. The other killer is lack of rain. Some rain drops here and there but no substantial rain and water rationiong has already started. Saw this earlier, which made me laugh.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Medina's Chimayó Art

While in Chimayó, I wanted to buy a cross from the gift shop at the Santaurio but I noticed that all the crosses that I was looking at were "made in Mexico". I already have a cross made in Mexico and was getting dismayed when finally the last cross I looked at (near the exit) had a card by the artist indicating "hand crafted and made in Chimayó and even more a card by the artist. Thus, I happily made the purchase. Later in the afternoon, we run into Joan Medina, a very lovely woman selling her creative artwork at the end of the highway near the cemetary and she told us about the friar climbing the hillside. Cheryl and I decided to climb the same hillside and afterwards we stopped back by Joan's stand and I made a purchase of a bracelet. She asked where we were from and wished a safe journey back home and hugged us goodbye. Sadly, after geting back to the car Cheryl and I mentioned that we should've gotten a photo with her but didn't. I knew I had her card and had made a mental note to email her when I got back to Houston. Thus, when we got back to Santa Fe, I was looking at my purchases and looking through the cards I had gotten and then I noticed the same phone number's for both. Cross by Arthur (Lowlow) Medina and bracelet by Joan Medina. Talk about six degrees of seperation, which in a small town like Chimayó may not be as hard but nonetheless, I sure felt the connection between these two individuals.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Off the Beaten Path

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Beautiful cemetary that Cheryl and I walked over too off the beaten tourist path while in Chimayo. There was a woman taking care of some flowers at the cemetary and I asked her "about how old is the cemetary" and she replied about 100 years or more". I told her it was beautiful and she smiled and said, "some people don't like cemetaries because dead people scare them but dead people don't scare me...only the living people scare me"! We both chuckled and in a way, I couldn't agree with her more. The local folk were quite friendly and welcoming of tourists and eager to converse and ask where are you from. I would've loved to spend more time here but for sure I hope to come back and stay longer.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Anybody there?
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
While in Santa Fe, Linda graciously offered her apt but warned me of the cats and all the cat hair I would come home with. Well, she was right. I did laundry last night and sure enough the cat hair was all over my clothes. I'm more of a dog person but after seeing her young kitten Yarrow, I could've easily become a new cat lover. He was a rambuctious kitten into everything and chasing his toys all over the place. Of course at night, while we were trying to sleep he wanted to play and he would be whining by the door. In the mornings, I'd wake up and there he was waiting with his paw peeping through the doorway. I fell in love with this kitten and teased Linda that I would sneak him in my suitcase. Sure enough, while I was packing to head home ...there he was trying to get into the suitcase. Believe me, if I could've I would've! ;-) Now that I'm back I miss playing with him. Oh yeah, Chulo wasn't too happy when I got back and he caught a scent of cat! Yes, Chulo you still come first!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Where it all began

Where it all began
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Back from trip to Santa Fe to meet up with fellow fanmencas/flickr buds. Plane arrived late last night and by the time I got into bed it was close to 1:30 a.m. :-( More photos and blogs to come but bed is calling my name and will update later. Been smiling all day thinking of trip and the sights and sounds that were experienced. Thanks to Cheryl and Linda for their hospitality...and to Chef Joel! ;-)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Taking Time Out

from Daily Om ...and thanks to Cheryl for reminding me of such treasures found on their website as sometimes I overlook then but today's really hit home for me.

After the blur from last weekend and the hectic pace

of the next three days, this is good to know!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
...just like my past week of vacation was. Back to work for three days and then off to Santa Fe to meet up with fanmencas. My first vacation getaway in over a year since I bought the house. Thank goodness will have another week off in July and then a three day weekend in August to host Ms. Linda. Usually, I don' t look forward to summer because of the unbearable heat...(usually go into hibernation) but this one should be nicer to bear. Tomorrow is June 1st and the first day of hurricane season. UGH! I sure hope Houston is spared a bit this time, not that I wish a hurricane on anyone else but not ready for another Ike.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Graduate

The Graduate
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

Accidents and inspiration lead you to your destination...(words and music by Mary Chapin Carpenter)

Back around the year 2000, I accidentally ran into Kim after stepping outside from my office to catch a breath of fresh air and looked to my right and here comes this student. She was like no other student I had seen before as she was walking with a cane steadfastly to the bus stop with tears in her eyes. She had just failed her Algebra exam and had made up her mind, “that’s it, I’m quitting college”. Well, to make a long story short, she didn’t quit college. I made her come into my office and the very next semester with the help of tutors she turned that F into an A. She struggled and persevered beyond her visual limitations and two years later had graduated, separated from her abusive husband and met Jhon her current husband and also visually impaired.

Over the years we kept in touch and became good friends...(because of Chulo as he was a gift from Kim). Funny how it all went by so fast and now she’s looking over her shoulder at the past….accidents and inspiration lead you to your destination. She’ll tell you that I inspired her that first day we met but I can tell you that today she inspired me and never ceases to amaze me. Today, Kim received her Master’s degree from the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston, my alma matter (undergrad) and I was never more prouder or honored to witness her success and inspiration as she graduated Summa Cum Laude (highest honors) not once but three times as she did with her Associates and Bachelor’s degree. So here’s to you Kim and to Jhon as he continues to amaze me as well. This summer he will be finishing top of his class from the Massage Therapy program at the community college where I work. Kim has limited vision but Jhon is completely blind but to meet these two individuals you would never know it. Never once, have I heard either complain about their limitations and in fact you’re more likely to hear them make jokes about it.

As an academic counselor at the college, I love this time of the year when commencement comes around as it's a time of celebration and jubilation in academia. Over the years, I've attended many graduation ceremonies but today's was special and I was honored to witness such success and perseverance. Congratulations to the Graduate and the class of 2009 for today was your destination Kim.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by :Eureka:
When life hands lemons you can always make cuppies instead! Photo and cuppies by my niece who sadly will be moving back home to finish college. We'll (Chulo & me) miss you Erika. Don't forget about us and be sure to come back and visit and make more CUPPIES!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Impatiens Walleriana
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
for all the mom's out there. I got a nice card from my niece and nephews for being a nice substitute mom to them. It was much appreciated. I can't believe it's May already! Where it time going? Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas.

Friday, May 08, 2009

A Smile for the Weekend

Saw this last weekend
and it just makes me smile
everytime I see it.
I've been following the adventures of Alvin
by the wonderful Horse Whisperer on Flickr.

Love Story meets Coldplay

Kudos to Jon Schmidt

Friday, May 01, 2009

The Best Day

Found this here. Warning a bit sappy...especially if you don't like country music.

Just in time for Mother's Day!
Check out the just-released

for Taylor Swift's song about her mother,

The Best Day,

made entirely of home videos.
Super cute! And touching!
We cried.

...and I cried too. I'm big fan of Taylor Swift. My niece couldn't believe I was a fan but such talent for such a young lady is beautiful to see and hear.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

R.I.P. Pussycat

has passed on.
and was groundbreaking comedy at its very best.
It never failed to take away my sadness when I was feeling down.
Thank you for being a friend and
say hi to Sophia.
I'm sure there's a lot of laughter going on up there.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Post- T-storm

Post- T-storm
Originally uploaded by :Eureka:
its funny how after all the terrible weather/ tornado watches/ flooding... the skies can change into a beautiful masterpiece again, as if they were there the whole time.

Photo and words by Erika Rivera.

...and the cleanup begins. Thankfully house did not flood but backyard is a mess. Puddles of water everywhere and even in the bird cage where the parakeets are. It was bad! Sadly, 5 kids lost their lives when the car they were riding in lost control and plunged into a swollen ravine and perished. Only 2 have been found and the others are thought to have been swept away. Please pray for the families.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Slow Motion

Look out below
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
Drinking tea this Good Friday morn and so thankful to be off today. It's been a very stressful week at work and I so need a slow motion day like today to unwind. A chance of rain is expected later today of which I hope we do get some. Already temps are warming fast. Tuesday morn temps were in the upper 30's and currently we're at a balmy 72.

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold or something and been trying to fight it off but it's lingering. Taking time this early morn to relax, read a bit, maybe drum and then the afternoon will be to tidy up around the house. I think this eve, I will make some shrimp quesadillas with a salad and a glass of wine. Might watch a DVD. It's been so long since I've seen a good movie.

Yes, this Easter weekend looks to be low key and that's just what the doctor ordered.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy Monday

Rocky Balboa
Originally uploaded by :Eureka:
Happy Monday and Happy Drumming! Only Monday that I might say that because it's a short week. Happy Drumming because I just got some new drumming cd's and I'm anxious to go home and try them out. In the meantime here's a photo of "a real dog" as my brother always says because mine doesn't chase after balls. He prefers to chase squirrels instead! ;-)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
It's been a rainy/humid week but a cool front is coming our way and should clear things out just in time for the weekend.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Toast

A Toast
Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

"Thank you home, for allowing me to live within your walls.

Thank you for giving me shelter, warmth, and security.

Thank you for allowing me to live my life in your womb, for staying strong and sturdy, for supporting me, and for your beauty.

Thank you earth, for the land that I live on and for allowing me to steward life with you.

Thank you for allowing me to walk upon your soil, cultivate you, and live in partnership with you.

Thank you for supporting my home and my family.

Thank you... plants, minerals, and animals that dwell on the land that I steward.

Thank you for allowing me to experience your beauty, share in your wonderment of life, and for the honor of living with all of you on this earth.

Thank you for the wisdom and joy you bring to humanity.

I honor you."

taken from Daily Om.

Celebrating a year in my year my house and just finished painting the last room, so a celebration was in order. Special thanks go out to my parents and family for their endless support and help. To my friends who have been so instrumental in the past year from the very first day to now and you know who you are. I have been truly blessed and as the days and months go by I am mystified by all the signs that brought me to where I am today and it all started here. Tomorrow, I will begin working on my new altar (now that my meditation room is painted) and he will take his rightful place for I truly believe that he brought me here. As I close this blog and get ready to meditate, I am listening to "Silence: No More Longing" by Ottmar Liebert and it is a fitting tribute in which to honor this special day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Myths and Legends explained here and here
Very interesting to read about indeed.

I'm hoping 3/13/09 will be a lucky day and not a bad day...

besides as of 4:30 p.m., it'll be the start of Spring Break vacation!

Thank goodness for Academia!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chasing Pavements

Totally in love with the titled song by Adele.
She won a Grammy for best new artist and a well deserved accolade indeed.
This woman rocks and her voice
is simply amazing and she's only 20!
Nice article here, which contains a few snipets of her songs.
I can totally relate to the "Chasing Pavements" song as
that's what I feel I've been doing the past year and a half at times.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Forward

Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
First of all, whose idea was it to switch back to daylight savings time so early into the month already. Spring hasn't even officially arrived! I am so CONFRUSED, and no that's not spelled wrong! Thankfully, Spring Break is only a few days away. Time for some R & R and putting some finishing paint touches on the house.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

I'm an Owl!

Actually I already knew that but this just confirmed it for me.
Let me just ask..."whose idea was it to make the change in time so early"?
I don't mind it being darker later but sure hate to loose an hour's sleep.
Personally, I think the whole thing is backwards!
It would seem that with winter you want the reverse time switch...
where it gets darker later and
in summer because of the heat you want the time change to coincide
with having less light/heat, bringing on the early nightfull and a
reprieve from the heat of the day.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz

For some time I've been wanting to purchase a drum and become part of a ceremony by way of drumming (Native American). As I near the milestone of my 50th birthday, I decided that the time was finally here and this past weekend I became the proud owner of a 15 inch Dark Buffalo Hide Drum (hand made). The creator of the drum was Deborah and she writes:

This drum skin was surprisingly dark and finished dark and somewhat translucent in nature. It has a maple frame and is made by hand requiring 6 hours to produce.
This drum also has a stick made EXCLUSIVELY for it and no other.

There were two drums to choose from and I chose the Buffalo drum or rather it chose me as Deborah states..."the drum should sing to you". Buffalo Wisdom Includes:
*Earth Creativity
*Feminine courage
*Abundance and Generosity
*Hospitality and Sharing work
*Courage and Strength
*Challenge and Survival
*Giving for the greater good
*Formulating beneficial plans

In the near future, I am looking forward to joining a drumming circle. Until then I will continue to drum and find my own rhythm. Side note: Chulo isn't too happy about the drumming as he tends to burrow under his bed and hide.

Thank you to Deborah Lane/SheGoesLaughing for her gift and insight. For more information see her website.