Saturday, November 27, 2004
Christmas Wish List #1
Mood: Festive
Now that the Christmas season is upon us I'm going to do something that I've never done in the my first ever Christmas wish list. I realize that very few of these gifts will be brought to my Christmas tree by Santa (he always seems to fly past my house anyway) but no matter it's just something to have fun with...BUT if there are any RICH sugar daddy's out there passing by my blog please don't hesitate to contact me by email!! :-)
1. U2 Ipod
2. The complete U2 boxed set
3. Tickets to the Los Lonely Boys concert @Verizon Wireless theatre-12/29
4. Fender Stratocaster guitar (why not-since it's just a wish list)
5. Dell LCD TV & Pocket DJ w/Laptop too
6. Roundtrip tickets to Santa Fe, NM for me and my Fanmenco buds to dine @ Maria's
(OL fav. restaurant) w/concert by Otmar and Luna Negra of course, AND an autographed set list as a memento...since I couldn't get one from the last concert OL performed here in Houston.
Well that's about it for now....I don't think it's asking too much. (Remember, it's only a Christmas Wish List).
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Thanksgiving Toast
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Blowing Smoke
Mood: upbeat
A few blogs back I talked about "Crunch Time" well now that we're in the month of November, it's "smoke time". Fortunately, this kind of smoke is not dangerous to your health unless it's below freezing. I'm talking about the smoke that comes out of one's mouth in cold weather. Can you feel it? I finally did-tonight! Oh, what a feeling as I walked my dog this evening...I took in that first breath of cool, crisp cold air and breathed out--gleefully "blowing smoke" from my mouth. FINALLY, tonight was cold enough. In the past few weeks that it's been cold, there wasn't any smoke coming out. :-( Thus, I waited and waited while others like Boris and Kym and Ottmar blogged about their cold winter experiences of 1st snows of the season and warm crackling fires in the fireplace. I could only hope that my time would arrive soon. Appropriately, it did arrive on the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday and with a full moon in the night sky. Unfortunately, living in the south the cold weather doesn't last for long but for tonight and the next few night's, I'm thankful for blowing smoke and for another moment that took my breath away.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Book of Secrets
Mood: Secretive
If you've never listened to the Books of Secrets CD by Loreena it really is a beautiful piece of work for all you music lovers out there with a taste for ecclectic music. She has always been one of my favorites. The perfect CD to play on a day like today here in HTown where rain is the current forecast. I started thinking about my own book of secrets and there are many. Some that are dying to be told but shall remain within my soul until the right time of disclosure--if ever. Some weeks ago, I divulged a secret to a friend and I was apprehensive about my disclosure but it was heartening to know that she embraced my fraility with open arms. It brought us to a deeper understanding of one another. While I won't share that secret with you, I realize I may have invoked some curiosity for some of you readers out there and so I will disclose another secret.
When I was a young kid about 5 I was caught at a Woolworth's stealing marbles and stuffing them into my brothers pockets. We almost got away with our loot except that one of the pockets had a hole and so marbles started falling everywhere, which of course drew the attention of a sales lady. The next thing I know, there's a hand reaching out to me and in a deep voice, she said, "young lady come with me". BUSTED!!! They took us to the front of the store and booked me!!! Just kidding. My parents were called on the intercom and they were so embarrassed then and probably would be now if they knew I was divulging this secret. To this day, everytime I see a bunch of marbles I chuckle and check my pockets for any holes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Mood: Rockin
I'm listening to music by Carlos--he ROCKS. No wonder OL is such a fan of his and with good reason. Just like Ottmar his guitar playing is so distinctive. I love the song Smooth on SuperNatural...I still can't get enough of that song and that CD. Just like Santana and Ottmar, Rob Thomas is so smooth. If you look up the definition for smooth you can find the following descriptions: even or gentle in movement, pleasing to the taste, having an easy, flowing rhythm or sound, polished, soothing. Another artist that I've become a big fan of is Chris Botti and his music is so smooth. Finally, Bono from U2--there's just something about him! So, I'm wondering who some of you might think is smooth as my list can go on and on? Boris, I think you're smooth too! :-)
Monday, November 15, 2004
Mood: Pensive
My blogger pal-Boris got me thinking and looking back. Some 20 years ago I took a trip to Europe and visited Italy, Austria, Germany & France. Quite frankly, it was an amazing trip that changed my life and my way of thinking, still to this day. I met some amazing people that I will never meet again but yet we made a connection. I made a connection with Kathe Wolf...we stayed in her house for a short two days and upon leaving I took this picture of her outside her home that she so graciously opened to tourists. She was a gregarious woman who owned a beautiful german shepherd. I wish I could remember the dogs name! Anway, tonights blog is about connections...I think in today's hectic world, we dont make enough connections. I've never met my blogger friends...Boris & Kym but I have a sense of connection with them that goes beyond our love of Ottmar Liebert's music. In my line of work at the college I get the joy of making some lasting connections with some of my students. I know I've made a difference in their lives and little do they know they have made a difference in mine. So thank you to Boris, Kym and to Kathe Wolf for their lasting connections albeit far or near, past, present or future or through the magic of the internet.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Fallen Hero
Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr. Houston, Texas
Music: The Sound of Silence, Mood: Somber
"In the eyes of his superiors, Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr. was a guiding light for his unit. Sotelo, 22, of Houston died June 27, 2003, in a rocket-propelled grenade attack in Iraq. He was the son of Tomas and Benancia Sotelo". He was the first Houston casualty of the Iraq war.
I wanted to give honor to our vets on this Veterans Day. While I never met Tomas, I knew his mother who was one of my students in the past in college. I haven't spoken to her since her son died partly because I'm not sure what to say and it's been years since I've seen her. Nonetheless, my heart aches for her loss and the loss of all vets and their families who have served our country. May we never forget that some gave all!
Monday, November 08, 2004
Evening Glow

Houston Sunset 2

We had a wonderful weekend weather wise...although a bit warm for fall but I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Nonethess, this was a moment that took my breath away and I didn't have to go and look for it. It just came to me and I'm just glad I that I had my camera in the car to capture it.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Next 2 Naked
Mood: Wacky
Found this the other day. Another one of those moments some years ago for a Halloween Party. Dolly Parton eat your heart out. cousin on the right was Elvira and can't remember what my other cousin was supposed to be.