Monday, January 10, 2005

Update-Cutest Baby

Originally uploaded by nieve44.
From Sunday... "Ethan recovered very well and they sent us home today! Ethan can start to resume somewhat of a normal life now. No chemo rounds! We are very optimistic that he is "cured" and excited that we will not have to visit the clinic every other day, now that the chemo is over with, we feel as if the light at the end of the tunnel is very bright now".

It was great to see Ethan's mom back at work today and smiling. I know where Ethan gets half of his beautiful smile from.
He is just such a cutie pie! I could just squeeze him like a little teddy bear!


Borya said...

He indeed looks so charming and friendly. He has no idea what's going on with him. How can such a little human being deserve it?

Victor said...

There's a little guy who is so full of life! You can see the light in his eyes!

Here's to Ethan and his Mom and better times ahead!