Sunday, September 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by Nieve44/La Luz
FINALLY! The lights came on after being in the dark for over 14 days! I'd be lying if I didn't say that my patience was wearing thin. Desperation and depression were starting to set in, yet I tried not to complain because I know others had lost so much more than mere power in the aftermath of Ike. Houston was long overdue for the "Big One" and we finally got hit and hit hard. Though others more than some.
Power was restored on Saturday morning just after 8:00. I wasn't home but my niece was and called to tell me the good news. I got home from work just after 3:00 and never realized how bright light can be especially when it's coming from your house! We take so much for granted! I celebrated the evening with Bacardi Limon on the rocks.
Last night was my first real night of sleep in about two weeks. The dark of night with its heat and humidity can make for many stressful, sleepless nights. It was heaven to wake up at 9:00 a.m and see my ceiling fan blowing, hear the AC cranking and the coffee brewing. Hallelujah indeed!


Desert Diva said...

I'm so glad that your power is back on and that you have your "creature comforts" back again. Have a drink for me!

Sandi said...

That's an amazingly long time to be without power. You're a better woman than I am!

Junniper, MPA said...

Wow, that's a loooong time to be without power. I'll count my blessings when I get home tonight and the switches work.

I thought of you when the hurricane was coming, glad to see that you're surviving. I enjoyed your post below about lessons learned!