originally uploaded by ggtem.
Word of the day: Suerte
Music: Suerte, Shakira
Mood: Content
Suerte can mean fate, lot or luck in Spanish. Tener mala suerte can mean to have bad luck. So either you have suerte or mala suerte. I had a moment of mala suerte on Friday evening when I dropped my phone in water. Afterwards, it was working but then became worse and didn't. This morning suerte has it working...somewhat! Still, $50 bucks later and thanks to insurance I am getting a new phone on Tuesday. I almost went a whole year without anything major happening to my phone!
Anyways, the above photo is not mine, it belongs to my niece Erika. I opened a Flickr account for her yesterday and she's hooked! She reminds me of myself at her age in that, I bought an inexpensive camera back then and was always taking photos. She's also got brains and beauty. Yes, suerte is on her side! Here's to continued suerte!
Psss...content mood is because I finished a major project for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. We made over #200 decorations for the table AND they came out beautiful! I am so happy to have that behind me. I finally got some sleep last night as the past few nights I had been staying up late and going to bed late but last I was in bed by 9:00 and finally got over 8 hours sleep! Suerte! :-)
Felicidades, y ¡suerte! Long live the new phone, and I look forward to seeing photos of the decorations in due course.
i once dropped my cellphone into the loo :p
thanks for visiting boobaloo.
I've never dropped my phone in water, but I did manage to get oil all over it (and in it!). Luckily it still works because I was too cheap to get the insurance!
Congrats on finishing the table decorations! Can't wait to see them. Remind us when the celebration is?
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