Sunday, December 24, 2006

Nanita Nana

Christmas '06 - Presepe 16
Christmas '06 - Presepe 16,
originally uploaded by *Checco*.


*A la Nanita Nana -- This is a traditional Spanish Carol

--a 'nana,' or lullaby--to the Christ child...

A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,
Mi Jesús tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.
Fuentecilla que corres clara y sonora,
Ruiseñor q'en la selva cantando lloras,
Callad mientras la cuna se balancea.


A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,
My Jesus is sleeping, come and behold Him, come and behold Him.
Little brook everflowing, rushing and ringing,
Nightingale in the forest, calling and singing,
Hush now, while the cradle softly sways. of the most beautiful songs I've heard sung by Tish Hinojosa.

*Lyrics/translation found here.

1 comment:

mario said...

wonderful song.....beautiful wishes