Friday, December 29, 2006
Music: Shaman by Santana
Mood: Tired
I'm listening to some great music by Santana and sitting here dancing in my chair. One of the songs it titled, "Foo Foo". Not sure what that means but I found it comical.
BTW, tired because of long two weeks in preparation for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. Some things are starting to fall into place but other things are not but they are little things that can be fixed. I just need to pace myself in the next two weeks and keep my fingers crossed that everything falls into place and the day turns out magical. In some ways, I'm looking forward to a new year but in other ways I'm not as I usually take time to detox my body from the bad & ugly of the old in order to renew my spirit for the new. I need to make some time and squeeze that in. How I wish I could be here in Santa Fe and just sit in the utter stillness of such beauty.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Nanita Nana
*A la Nanita Nana -- This is a traditional Spanish Carol
--a 'nana,' or lullaby--to the Christ child...
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,
Mi Jesús tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea.
Fuentecilla que corres clara y sonora,
Ruiseñor q'en la selva cantando lloras,
Callad mientras la cuna se balancea.
A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,
My Jesus is sleeping, come and behold Him, come and behold Him.
Little brook everflowing, rushing and ringing,
Nightingale in the forest, calling and singing,
Hush now, while the cradle softly sways. of the most beautiful songs I've heard sung by Tish Hinojosa.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Morning Glory
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Great Indoors
In Repair
Sunday, December 10, 2006
originally uploaded by ggtem.
Word of the day: Suerte
Music: Suerte, Shakira
Mood: Content
Suerte can mean fate, lot or luck in Spanish. Tener mala suerte can mean to have bad luck. So either you have suerte or mala suerte. I had a moment of mala suerte on Friday evening when I dropped my phone in water. Afterwards, it was working but then became worse and didn't. This morning suerte has it working...somewhat! Still, $50 bucks later and thanks to insurance I am getting a new phone on Tuesday. I almost went a whole year without anything major happening to my phone!
Anyways, the above photo is not mine, it belongs to my niece Erika. I opened a Flickr account for her yesterday and she's hooked! She reminds me of myself at her age in that, I bought an inexpensive camera back then and was always taking photos. She's also got brains and beauty. Yes, suerte is on her side! Here's to continued suerte!
Psss...content mood is because I finished a major project for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. We made over #200 decorations for the table AND they came out beautiful! I am so happy to have that behind me. I finally got some sleep last night as the past few nights I had been staying up late and going to bed late but last I was in bed by 9:00 and finally got over 8 hours sleep! Suerte! :-)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
My Winter Rose 06
I just love this plant! I'm not sure who gave it to me or how long I've had it but it's such a beauty to have and see her beautiful blooms. It's been a busy month so far and only promises to get busier with the holidays approaching. I'm making preparations for my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary next month and thus will be pretty scarce around here in the coming weeks ahead, but one does have to take time to smell the roses...especially the winter rose! AND, music by Ottmar Liebert-of which Winter Rose is in high rotation on iTunes. Give it a listen and treat yourself!