Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mary Chapin Carpenter - "Transcedental Reunion"

Sweet memory from two years ago as I flew across a mighty ocean in giant bird's belly (KLM Boeing 747) for a Transcendental Reunion of sorts with a dear friend I had met years back in Seattle and had promised that I would visit her in Holland.   Mary Chapin beautifully captures the experience in her song.

From 20,000 feet high, I saw the lights below me, twinkling just like Christmas
We descended slowly and the curve of the world passed with all of that flying
Above a mighty ocean, and now we all are arriving...
Friends and relations leaping over hemispheres
Transcendental reunion and all borders vanish here
We are travelers traveling, we are gypsies together
we are philosophers gathering, we are business or pleasure
we are going or coming, we're just finding our way from night into day

Monday, March 27, 2017


Beautiful music from Stephen Duros-who I had the pleasure of meeting some years back when he toured with Ottmar Liebert.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sheer Madness

Shear madness happened yesterday evening! Rather it was heavy duty loppers that I dropped on my foot that turned into a freak accident and sent me to the ER for a tetanus shot, heavy duty shot of pain medicine,  four stitches and an even bigger hit on my pocketbook.  Still it could've been worse and thankful the dang loppers didn't' go through my foot and mess up the bone or cut near an artery.  It looks worse than what it is and the soreness & swelling are starting to subside and not hopping along like I was last night.  The stitches will need to stay on for 7 days.  Again, thankful for great neighbors and friends calling to check on me..  Doc said I should be back on me feet in a day or two--just in time for the end of Spring Break vacation and work on Monday. In the meantime keeping the leg elevated and Cosmo is right next to me giving me some kisses!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Monday, March 06, 2017

Far Away -Trumpet Thing (Buddha Bar)

One of my fav songs from the Buddha Bar volumes. It's what I'm feeling...

Sunday, March 05, 2017


Those eyes, those lips, I could go on and on about Bono!  Can we just clone him?!!

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Mrs. Jones

Me and Mrs. Jones--one of my all time favorite songs and Bublé does a decent job in this remake. Secret to share in that I want to be Mrs. Jones and having a thing going on with Mr. Jones even though we both know that it's wrong! Meeting him at a cafe and holding hands while the jukebox plays our favorite song. I imagine the cafe would be in NYC and as we say goodbye he would take me in his arms for a goodbye hug and the sweetest kiss.

ok, so the above is a dream only as I would never have an affair with a married man even though I've been approached on several occasions.  

Friday, March 03, 2017

Bitter taste

In need of a serious adventure to cleanse this bitter taste of life after the horrible month that February was with mom's fall and her breaking her hip.  I just want to drive off into the forest only to emerge on a desolate beach and have a roaring fire under a beautifully lit starry night in which to fall asleep.