Friday, November 17, 2006



of light...birthday light & love for my nephew Greg who today turned 20! Where has time gone? I remember all too well when he was born. The first born grandchild into the family and we were all crying tears of joy. His tiny little hands and feet seemed so fragile back then. It was a celebratory mood indeed! I had gone out the night before his birth to celebrate with a friend who been accepted into medical school. After two bottles of champayne we finally got home after 2:30 a.m. and climbed up the stairs all too happy to be able to sleep in and sleep off the alcohol. Just as I was getting ready to turn off the light and crawl under the covers the phone rings and it was my brother. He and his wife were at the hospital--a week early! It feels just like yesterday.

1 comment:

Junniper, MPA said...

Happy birthday to Greg! He's very handsome.