Monday, June 05, 2006


Word of the Day: Bread
Music: Baby, I'm a Want You, by Bread

During the past few days I've been eating so much bread of late and especially while in NYC where I partaked in some wonderful pizza, bagels, and baked bread. Actually, I started before vacation as the Culinary Department where I work was selling some scrumptious Raisin bread. Since I was leaving town, I ended up freezing the slices which I have now been enjoying with my morning coffee or tea.

Ironically, while in NYC we went to the Virgin Megastore and I came across a classic CD by the 70's rock band: Bread. The CD was a steal @ $8. I have been playing it nonstop since I got back. The music is timeless!

Regretably, by the end of the week my partaking of bread will come almost to a halt as too much bread adds too much unwanted rolls. :-(


Kym. said...

Bread? The "Guitar Man" Bread???

Just Me said...

Bread? It's been eons since I heard that album. I bet I have a vinyl copy around here somewhere...

qaminante said...

Oooh, there is a blast from the past. Never did figure out the grammar in "Baby I'm a want you"!

Ana said...

I love bread, (the food, not the band). My favorite is a fresh french Bagette with coffee.


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