Saturday, January 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by nieve44.
After being off work for 5 weeks due to medical leave, I returned on the 3rd just in time for registration at the college. The past week was short because of the holiday but nonetheless very stressful. The semester has finally gotten underway and things should be dying down for awhile. The past three weeks were a whirlwind of spins and turns which entailed getting myelf back into the swing of things at work, dealing with remenants of my knee surgery and the continued rehab I have to keep up plus starting a new year. My whole body and brain feel a little like this picture...distorted, contorted and fragmented. Thankfully, last month I had scheduled a massage appointment just for this day knowing that my body would be in need of some TLC. The therapist did notice that my body was very tight, knotted and she spent extra time trying to work out the kinks. Starting to feel like a whole person again. She said that I needed to take care of myself this weekend and spend time healing my spirit. I'm listening to Ottmar right now, finishing up my water and getting ready to take a nap. Afterwards, I will get a work out in, do some reading and catch up on a movie. Day outside is bit on the cool side, cloudy and dreary and perfect for winding down.


Kym. said...

Although it will take a while for you to get used to it again, I'm sure you've been looking forward to being back at work... so I congratulate you!! But please just relax and take it easy. Listening to OL is a very good healing therapy, of course!
Take good care!

Borya said...

I certainly don't have the faintest idea what regular massages can implement in your life as for feeling well, being healthier etc. Actually I have no idea to whom to go here in my mountain town.

Luz said...

Boris, a massage can make you feel like your floating on air! It's great for your immune system...gets the blood flowing again...I could go on and on. I found this great therapist and now I am hooked and try and treat myself to one as much as I can. Everyone should indulge in one! Next time you come to the states you'll have to indulge in one.

bella said...

Take it easy going back into your work routine. Allow your body, mind and spirit ease into it. Enjoy those massages!

Junniper, MPA said...

Do take care! Knee injuries are a pain and easy to re-injure! Take a nice bath and relax the day away.

Just Me said...

I have an upper body massage every three weeks. After a whiplash injury years ago I became "addicted" to this therapy. It must be experienced to be believed.

Take care of yourself....

Lumoto said...

Guess I'm a little late, but hope you are feeling better and getting your strength back. Sorry to hear you had been down with the knee. Continue taking care of yourself, gal! Makes me think of the Loreal commercials several years ago, the slogan was, "It may cost a little more, but I'm worth it!" So, always remember that when self-indulgence becomes a necessity!