Thursday, March 10, 2016

Something Tamed Something Wild

Mary does it again--how I love her music, which to me is like my own autobiography.  Her lyrics/songs just hit home so much.  She gets better with age too.

Yeah, I have a few shoe boxes filled with things that were jewels at the time and now treasures of my heart. So  many times I was foolish when I should've been wise but with age comes wisdom.
I have so many maps of places I've been to that are dear to me.  Some say that travel is foolish but I wouldn't trade that for anything.  The places, the people--what I'd give to hear bells ringing like in Belgium, Germany or Mexico.

Just last night, I woke up with something stirring in my chest-- a calling if you will but from a voice I've never heard and in a language that was foreign. Then the morning came and the sunlight was a reminder of that beam of light when the universe is smiling and ringing in synchronicity --like an explosion of fireworks.  Yes, something tamed, something wild.

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