Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Make me a Hercules

Thankful for my tribe of female weirdo warriors...too many to list but each has been the wind beneath my wings as I know I have been theirs at one time or another. Reminds me of the wonderful song by Sara Barellies-Hercules...  

...cause I have sent for a warrior from on my knees make me a Hercules.... as we lift one another. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Vodka speaking!

About time for a shot of vodka indeed! ;-)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Dear Karma!

SARIOUS! No that's not spelled wrong either!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

SFD #1

Shitty first draft-stuck in Gaty & up b4 sun --wishing I were getting ready for Tour de Houston bike ride. Can't do this! Especially since I don't do enough. I was supposed 2 b in New Mexico but cancelled trip 2 do my part. I want, I want, I want & don't know how 2 stop wanting!! I'll never be what I want, I'll never have what I want... I want him, I want us, I want you, I want, I want...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Forward

Yep clocks spring forward this past weekend and so am I! Bags packed and onwards. Thank God spring break vacay this week to adjust to the time change. New Mexico trip had to be cancelled but on a positive note taking care of overdue home repair projects-thank you Jason! Your knowledge rocks!!  Other good news--great to be back on the bike again after a long two year hiatus.13+miles on Sunday and hopefully 20 miles on Sunday.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Even more happier now that spring break is here!! Still -bummed had 2 cancel trip to NM. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Something Tamed Something Wild

Mary does it again--how I love her music, which to me is like my own autobiography.  Her lyrics/songs just hit home so much.  She gets better with age too.

Yeah, I have a few shoe boxes filled with things that were jewels at the time and now treasures of my heart. So  many times I was foolish when I should've been wise but with age comes wisdom.
I have so many maps of places I've been to that are dear to me.  Some say that travel is foolish but I wouldn't trade that for anything.  The places, the people--what I'd give to hear bells ringing like in Belgium, Germany or Mexico.

Just last night, I woke up with something stirring in my chest-- a calling if you will but from a voice I've never heard and in a language that was foreign. Then the morning came and the sunlight was a reminder of that beam of light when the universe is smiling and ringing in synchronicity --like an explosion of fireworks.  Yes, something tamed, something wild.