Monday, September 02, 2013

With Dreams in My Head -Goodnight

As I was changing my bed sheets earlier I was reminded of this beautiful song...

Don't Need Much To Be Happy

Don't much to be happy, four walls and a roof overhead
books and food in my belly and cool sheets upon the bed...
Sometimes it's hard to remember how tough we are to please

All in good time, somehow I find the days that still shine with the light
All in good stead I"m safe and fed with dreams in my head-goodnight
the feel of my hand being taken....and a breeze on a warm summer evening

a friend to soften a fall, and something to show for my labors,
after all, I had to learn to be grateful, I had to learn how to see
mistakes that might have proved fatal are gifts I now receive.

and so with dreams in my head, I say goodnight.

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