A question was posed today on twitter, "What feeds your soul"? I kept asking myself the question all day. Well here is what feeds my soul in no particular order...
His light,
a burning candle and/or incense
peace of mind
the north wind
So what feeds your soul?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Feed Me!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ceremony-Here Comes the Bride!
Ceremony, a set on Flickr.
Finally finished editing and putting together photos from the wedding of my niece Erika. I love a good ceremony for they are moments that we do not celebrate often enough. Beautiful ceremonies run in our family-first with the 50th Wedding Celebration of my parents, second with the 25th Wedding Anniversary of my brother Arnold and his wife Theresa. So here's to the next ceremony for our family. Martin's High School graduation ceremony in June. Still waiting for a College Graduation ceremony from the rest of our family. I don't want to be the only one who has had the honor of two college graduation ceremonies. Hint, hint! ;-)
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Butterfly Kisses (Country Version)
Fell in love with this song all over again as it was the song my brother danced with his daughter last night at her wedding. This was their song and I can tell you that the tears just flowed watching the two of them last night. His wife and I stood their holding each other and crying while watching the two of them. It was such a sweet tender moment watching Erika rub her daddy's back and letting him savor that moment. As he walked off the stage he came over to the two of us and gave us hugs. I was never so proud of my brother for giving his daughter away on such a beautiful day. Our family is indeed blessed. All through out the ceremony dark black clouds were swirling along with winds blowing but just then I looked up into the night sky and saw a star twinkling down on us. Erika never looked happier as her new husband walked up to dance with her. Congrats to the new couple. Here's to Erika & Rey and the new life they begin.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Going to be a G kind of day!
One of my niece's cute motifs for her big wedding day today. At sunset Erika Rivera becomes Mrs. Rey Gutierrez. Congratulations Erika & Rey.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Moon Fragrance
listening to new Ottmar Liebert cd, Dune. This is the one of the first blooms from my magnolia tree and the fragrance permeated my living room/dining room. I love this tree but it took a hit from the drought last summer and has taken on a fungus making alot of the leaves to fall off. I hope the tree recovers as the tree in one of the main reasons why I bought my house, which as of last month made for 4 years of ownership. Everyday when I pull my car into my driveway, I count my blessings and the tree is one of the first reminders.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
The Miracle of Life!
Word of the day: metamorphosis
Music: This Spring Release 10,000 Butterflies, Ottmar Liebert
mood: happy
in my glass: bubbles-Riven Rock to be exact
So this morning before heading to work I decided to step out onto backyard-something I usually don't do but for some reason I felt something calling my name. Lo and behold it was one of my babies emerging from its cocoon. I stood there in awe and amazement at the transformation happening right in front of me. I've seen such things in photos but not in real life and not in my backyard on a plant that was specifically planted to attract such butterflies. Just a few short weeks I noticed there were three caterpillars hungrily feasting on the passion vine plant. I was afraid there wouldn't be anything left of my plant after they finished. Finally they moved over to the pergola and began to weave their new home from which to emerge.
I soooo wanted to stay and watch this beauty spread its wings and fly but don't think my boss would've understood the reason for my absence. I hope the butterfly returns for a visit. Today was symbolic for various reasons and after the gloomy weekend I had I needed a some joy in my life. I found it without searching for it and the miracle of life continues. While there were no 10,000 butterflies released from my backyard I felt the 10,000 blessings that were bestowed on me today.
Music: This Spring Release 10,000 Butterflies, Ottmar Liebert
mood: happy
in my glass: bubbles-Riven Rock to be exact
So this morning before heading to work I decided to step out onto backyard-something I usually don't do but for some reason I felt something calling my name. Lo and behold it was one of my babies emerging from its cocoon. I stood there in awe and amazement at the transformation happening right in front of me. I've seen such things in photos but not in real life and not in my backyard on a plant that was specifically planted to attract such butterflies. Just a few short weeks I noticed there were three caterpillars hungrily feasting on the passion vine plant. I was afraid there wouldn't be anything left of my plant after they finished. Finally they moved over to the pergola and began to weave their new home from which to emerge.
I soooo wanted to stay and watch this beauty spread its wings and fly but don't think my boss would've understood the reason for my absence. I hope the butterfly returns for a visit. Today was symbolic for various reasons and after the gloomy weekend I had I needed a some joy in my life. I found it without searching for it and the miracle of life continues. While there were no 10,000 butterflies released from my backyard I felt the 10,000 blessings that were bestowed on me today.
Moonlight Serenade-Repost

Repost from a year ago
ok, not a photo of a moonlight serenade but title is from a Frank Sinatra song.
ok, not a photo of a moonlight serenade but title is from a Frank Sinatra song.
I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight...the roses are sighing a moonlight serenade...the stars are aglow and tonight how their light sets me dreaming...
Better yet, hear the song on
one of my favorite songs by Old Blue Eyes.
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