They've come back again! Hadn't seen these guys in a while. Have heard them around the area but they finally landed on the feeder and even went to the other yard of my neighbor. Sadly, when riding my bike a few weeks back I saw some folks trapping the birds. :-(
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Mr. Blue

This beautiful Indigo Bunting graced my backyard with his presence the other day.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Dime Luna

Reason for the photo is really the frog on the right! It's been soooo dry here and we've had little rain. In the evening when I water my garden, I hear the happy tune he sings as he takes off but I never knew from where he came. Until, I moved the moon to the other side and there he was! Not sure who was more startled-him or me? He stayed long enough for me to take this photo and off he went into the garden. We crossed paths again earlier this evening.
Ahí esta, la luna, Como se podría quitar del cielo,la luna,
Como se podría arrancar pa siempre del cielo,
Y así librarme yo, de este anhelo ...
There is the moon.
How can it be taken from the sky
How can it be plucked forever from the sky
And in this way to free myself from this yearning desire...
You can see a nice video of the song I am listening to by the Mexican rock band Manà.