Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Furry Friday

Is anybody there!?
Originally uploaded by nieve44.

...and even better-



Sunday, June 25, 2006

Winter Blue

Today is the 25th day
of the 6th month
of the year 2006
and 6 months from today another
Winter Blue will be upon us.
Thanks Ottmar for your beautiful music
which is welcomed anytime of the year
especially when in hibernation from the
heat of summer.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Word of the day: Goal
Music: Twilight in Galisteo, Ottmar Liebert
With the frenzy of World Cup Soccer
and the NHL Stanley Cup Finals
of which I've been hooked on TV watching
the drama unfold, today's word seemed appropiate!
Actually, today's word of the day should be RAIN!
Houston recieved almost 10 inches of rain
in less than 10 hours. Thankfully, our side of town fared better
than others but still I feel for those who had water
in their homes and autos. The good news was that
I got a day off work as most workplaces were closed. :-)

Monday, June 12, 2006


Underwater lullaby
Originally uploaded by nieve44.

Word of the day: Hibernation
Mood:'s too hot outside!

If I could, I'd like to hibernate for the whole summer under the cool, refreshing blue waters of la la land! Of course, it would help if I could swim! The dog days of summer are here and it seems as though there is no end in sight!

Of note, I brewed some tea yesterday and made a refreshing mix of Hibiscus & Green tea and poured it over ice! I couldn't get enough of it and I finished the whole batch of it by day's end!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

RIP Angel

RIP Angel
Originally uploaded by nieve44.
The above pic is not my photo but I borrowed it from Yahoo photos. The little blue & white parakeet reminds me of my little one-Angel that died yesterday. She...rather he had been sick and finally passed on. He was rather a mean budgie but still I will miss him. I still have the other parakeet-Cutie who is getting a new friend this evening as a friend is letting me have one of his female budgies!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today is Tuesday
the sixth day
of the sixth month
of the sixth year
of the 21st century.
Nice symmetry.
I'm being a copycat here and
borrowing words from Ottmar Liebert's blog.
I had intended on saying something similar
but he took the words right out of my mouth. ;-)

Monday, June 05, 2006


Word of the Day: Bread
Music: Baby, I'm a Want You, by Bread

During the past few days I've been eating so much bread of late and especially while in NYC where I partaked in some wonderful pizza, bagels, and baked bread. Actually, I started before vacation as the Culinary Department where I work was selling some scrumptious Raisin bread. Since I was leaving town, I ended up freezing the slices which I have now been enjoying with my morning coffee or tea.

Ironically, while in NYC we went to the Virgin Megastore and I came across a classic CD by the 70's rock band: Bread. The CD was a steal @ $8. I have been playing it nonstop since I got back. The music is timeless!

Regretably, by the end of the week my partaking of bread will come almost to a halt as too much bread adds too much unwanted rolls. :-(

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by nieve44.
In the past two months, I've done more traveling than I have in the past year! First, there was Seattle in April to see Ottmar Liebert and just got back from NYC. Tomorrow, I'm off to a quick trip to Corpus Christi. I've enjoyed my travels but it's always nice to come back home to family, friends and loved ones. Visiting NYC was great...
especially with pictures like this!